
Post 15.

I dislike Maryknoll.
Rough Riders > Spartans.
Someone save me from this suffocating atmosphere of unsocial-dom.
I'm craving familiar faces, friendly sights, and a better schedule.
I even miss Teenbiz. But I still have access to it.

My blog posts get shorter and shorter every time.

"I felt sadness."
That quote just popped back into my head.
I remember when and where those exact words were said.
And I reflect back upon those minimal times.
When we'd sit there together and talk with our minds.
And together we'd be, our own little bubble.
Away from the drama, the stress, and the trouble.
As sad as it is to reminisce that last letter.
Forever I'll keep it, because doing that would be better.


Hello Blog

I haven't gone on since July.
Guess my life's just not interesting anymore.

Well actually, it's the opposite,
it's getting crazy!

Maryknoll is so small.
Volleyball is boring because I can't play.
Two more weeks till I can.

Hi Riki & Eun-young & Dara.

I miss Roosevelt.
I wish we had a Homecoming.


Last Post: July 10.

Aha, and today is July 26. My oh my.
That's not any fun now is it.
Maryknoll tryouts are today.
And I get to be the crippled girl on the side who can't do anything but watch.
Okay yeah so more than anything I'm NERVOUS.
Right, like I'm supposed to walk in there like I know what I'm doing.


Well a lot has happened in the past what, 16 days?
Hung out with a lot of people, went shopping and ended up getting the money that I spent back in my wallet O_O
Yeah kind of strange when I was putting all my stuff away and I end up with the money that I spent.

Not that I really need new clothes anyway, because I have to wear a uniform -_-
OH JOY OH JOY OH JOY a blue skirt.
Just what I've ALWAYS wanted.
But my schedule is pretty alright.
Just hope I can keep up and fit into the groove of things easily.
Oh who am I kidding.
If I could do it at Roosevelt I can try at Maryknoll.

I wish that this was my last week of summer.
I wish that I could start on August 3rd.

I wanna go back to Disneyland!
Oh yeah, I didn't even talk about my trip yet did I.
Well here.
In a nutshell, some points of the trip.

-Ramada Hotel whatever Inn thing SUCKED, so ghetto! Sorry >.> It was horrible. Broken refrigerator, broken tv, spiderweb in the bathroom, broken toilet, one bed, a smoke-filled "non-smoking" room. Yuck. And it was, quote me, a "tournament-approved" hotel. PSH.
-Alexe was my trip buddy (: Don't know how I would've survived, my goodness.
-Legoland & IHOP after the drive to San Diego. Took forever, I got so carsick.
-Brother's team came in third in the showcase division. The games were actually really enjoyable. Except for the weird weather. It was so hot in the sun, and then when you went in the shade it was unbelievably COLD. Like seriously freezer cold. O____0
-Sea World, I got splashed by a sting ray, fed it, saw Shamu, teased a walrus, fun times, fun times.
-DISNEYLAND. Felt like a little kid again, all sucked into the lies that if you believe in something it will happen. All the magic and whatnot. Oh I WISH. We shut down Thunder Mountain by accident because Coach Cord stepped over the barrier and onto a sensor. The ride was shut down for over five hours. Whoops. California Screamin, Matterhorn, Space Mountain first thing in the morning. Rollercoasters are awesome. ^_^ I'd go back if I could. But the best was cutting in line to get a picture with Mickey Mouse :)
-Shopping at Fashion Valley Mall.
-Mom's birthday, Coldstone for breakfast.
-Watching HSM3 on the ride from San Diego to Anaheim. Brought back some hilarious memories.

I think that's all I can say for now.
I feel like playing Rock Band.
It's so hard to get into this Barack Obama book.
The Alchemist was a lot easier.
I need to take notes.
Okay well, I am tired and I need to get ready soon, so that is all.

Did any of that make sense? :o


12:34:56 on 7/8/9

Supposedly this thing is supposed to happen every 100 years.
Which is pretty cool, since it's pretty soon.
I wonder if I have the patience to post it at that exact time.
Haha, nah.
Maybe if I forget.

So today, I'm pretty sure I lost a friend.
We used to be so close too.
Close to the point of a relationship?
I guess.
But it never happened. It's all in the past now and since we talked it over and decided to let it go, I better follow up with the decision we made.
And now, it's like everytime I get close to somebody I end up pushing them far away, our friendship breaks, and ignorance start.
I don't understand any of this.
But I'm sort of getting it, it's probably because of the way I used to act before.
Foolish and immature.

Maybe it's better that this is happening, we're probably still gonna see each other around though.

On another note, I stayed up till 2 in the morning doing bookwork.
I threatened to stab Tiffany with my plastic Yogurtland spoon for calling me a nerd.
I was only looking up words that I didn't know.

Oh so I got teased for using the word "credible" today.
What the heck?

Photobucket pictures make me cry. I look through them and realize what I'm leaving behind.
Sacrifices had to be made for this to happen though, so I guess it's alright.
That book that we have to read for summer reading, 'The Alchemist," it's really a life-changing book.
At first I though, no way is that going to happen to me.
But it opened my eyes to a lot of things.
When he talked about the four obstacles we face when trying to accomplish something we want to do I realized that I've faced every single one, but not the last.
No, but seriously.
The book is good.
If we didn't have to take notes on this, I think it would have been more enjoyable.
I feel like I'm analyzing it and breaking apart the true meaning until it irritates me so much I don't want to read anymore and I forget what I was even reading about.
Oh well.

It's 12:33 I'll post this when the time hits.
Which is in a few seconds.



I think I wrote this on the Fourth.
That night, when I got home.
Had to put it somewhere since I didn't feel like trashing it.


And those fireworks, were like some beautiful disaster
lighting up the night sky
and all we could do
was stare up dumbfounded into the twinkling lights
it was so close, yet so far
i just wanted to reach out and touch those rays of brilliance
hide it in my pocket and take a bit of it home to keep forever
those sparkling lights exploding in the darkness
was like a controlled chaos
and even though the sound was deafening
it didn't matter
because for once in that long night, maybe for that one moment
i'd have to say everything was pretty much perfect
and i couldn't have wished to be any place else
when it was all over, there was the small moment of silence
and being the kids we are
we couldn't help but stand there a little bit longer
as if we could force the moment to rewind itself
so we could enjoy it all over again.