

I think I wrote this on the Fourth.
That night, when I got home.
Had to put it somewhere since I didn't feel like trashing it.


And those fireworks, were like some beautiful disaster
lighting up the night sky
and all we could do
was stare up dumbfounded into the twinkling lights
it was so close, yet so far
i just wanted to reach out and touch those rays of brilliance
hide it in my pocket and take a bit of it home to keep forever
those sparkling lights exploding in the darkness
was like a controlled chaos
and even though the sound was deafening
it didn't matter
because for once in that long night, maybe for that one moment
i'd have to say everything was pretty much perfect
and i couldn't have wished to be any place else
when it was all over, there was the small moment of silence
and being the kids we are
we couldn't help but stand there a little bit longer
as if we could force the moment to rewind itself
so we could enjoy it all over again.